Corona Virus (COVID 19) Prevention and Intervention

Greetings in the strong Name of Jesus! I come to you in light of the coronavirus pandemic that is swiftly crisscrossing our commonwealth, nation and globe. Governor Ralph Northam’s declaration of a state of Emergency has increased the frenzy of panic, fear and worry related to the virus. We, the people of God, take comfort knowing that God is in control of all world affairs and events. It is with this confidence, along with the cautionary counsel of the Virginia Department of Health and Center for Disease Control and Prevention that I, as you Pastor, along with the deacons and trustees affirm the following prescribed directives:

  • Take primary care of your health and the health of your family. Should you or a family member feel ill with symptoms of fever, cough or difficulty in breathing seek immediate health care with your primary physician or the nearest hospital or health care facility.
  • Those who have compromised health conditions are encouraged to stay home. Others are encouraged to practice social distancing to include: minimizing exposure to infected individuals by avoiding large public gathering venues, and refraining from close contact (shaking hand, hugs, kissing, sharing cups, straws and eating utensils).
  • Regularly and thoroughly wash your hands with soap under running water for at least 20 seconds. When soap and water are unavailable, use hand sanitizer comprised of at least 60% alcohol.
  • Avoid close contact with individuals with fever, cough, sneezing and difficulty in breathing.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.
  • Remain physically active, drink plenty of water, eat healthy, avoid stress and have enough sleep.
  • Pray for the healing of those affected; and wisdom for those making decisions to keep other from being affected.

We will have Worship service this Sunday – LIVE as well as ONLINE . We are committed to continuing to worship together as a community and to offer love and support to each other, particularly during this time. For those joining us online, please visit You may also provide your tithes and offerings on this page Or by visiting our regular church website at and selecting “GIVE at bottom of the ZBC home page.

We must remember that II Timothy 1:7 tells us “God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and a sound mind.” We will not act in fear, but we pray as kingdom leaders that we will all use the power of our God-given positions, and our love for all humanity to seek the sound wisdom of God to make the right decisions in light of the current crisis.

For His Glory,
Dr. Kelvin E. Turner
Senior Pastor

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